Vaginal Itching During Pregnancy

Vaginal itching can be uncomfortable and painful if it's caught early enough. A yeast infection or a sexually transmitted disease (STD) can cause vaginal itch, which can also be accompanied by burning, irritation and redness. While vaginal itching isn't the hallmark of most vaginal infections and yeast infections (which can also affect the vulvar area), […]

How to Get Rid of Mastocytoseosis Naturally

  Mastocytotic โลหิตจาง is a condition where an excessive amount of mast cells accumulate in the blood stream. There are two main types of this condition: cutaneous mastopathy, where the mast cells gather on the skin only, but not in high enough numbers to be found elsewhere in the body; and systemic mastopathy, where the […]

Can My Sex Addiction Control My Relationship?

Sex addiction is a form of sexual addiction. Regardless of the term used, this addiction is not officially classified in the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Diseases (DSM-5). The reason for the exclusion is that sex addiction doesn't cause physical signs of withdrawal like nervousness or other illnesses.   Common signs and symptoms include: […]

Causes of Collar Bone Fractures – A General Overview

Collar bone fractures, also called collar fracture, are perhaps the most commonly encountered injury sustained by newborns in childbirth   A collar fracture, also referred to as fracture of the neck, occurs as a direct result of trauma or a difficult birth. Factors that will increase a high risk of a collar fracture include being […]

What is Sars?

What is Sars? Severe acute respiratory disorder, or Sars, is an extremely contagious disease that rapidly spread around the globe in 2020. It is a virus that can cause flu-like symptoms in humans.   Sars was first diagnosed in China in the early 1980s. It has since been confirmed as a widespread health threat throughout […]

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